American Cream Draft Horse


The Cream Draft is the only draft horse produced expressly in the U.S. It is unique in the heavy breeds due to the fact that the cream coloring is absent from almost all draft horses. The Cream Draft, however, is limited to a small section in the midwestern U.S. and so has yet to become a popular horse around the nation.

The Cream Draft stands 15 to 17 hands high and weighs upwards to two tons. Only the cream color is permitted in the breed with white mane and tail; other white markings are unusual. There is only slight feathering around the ankles. Other than the coloration there are no notable conformation points outside of those found on other medium weight draft horses.

The background of the Cream Draft begins in the early 1900s when a cream colored draft mare of unknown breeding named Old Granny bore progeny that carried her distinctive coloring. With the addition of Percheron, Shire, and Belgian Heavy Draft bloods a distinct breed was born. The American Cream Draft Horse Association was formed in 1944. Only pink-skinned horses are used, as dark skin Creams have a tendency to change coat coloration. One other distinctive feature carried by the Cream Draft are the eyes. The eyes of a young foal are almost white, darkening to a deep amber with age.

The American Cream is the only heavy draft that does not have its tail docked. It is claimed that docking keeps the tail out of the traces (the connection between the harness and load) and from entangling in the machinery. Other measures can be taken to protect the horse's tail while leaving in tact its most popular weapon against biting insects.

1. Percheron 2. Belgian Heavy Draft 3. Shire

For more information:
American Cream Draft Horse Association
Listed as "Critical" by The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (2004)

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